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Frequently Asked Questions About Other DGIE Services

Other services provided by the Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE) are penalty payment and payment for transfer/transcription fees.


The following are the most frequently asked questions about other DGIE services: 

Penalties payment

How do I pay a penalty that has been issued by DGIE? 

Click here to learn more about how to pay penalties. 

Do I need an IremboGov account to pay a penalty?

You can apply for this service with or without an Irembo account.

What are the requirements needed to pay a penalty?

Applicants should have a national ID or passport, a valid phone number, and an email address. Click here for more information. 

Do I need any attachments while applying for this service on IremboGov?

No, there are no attachments needed for this application. 

What is next after paying the penalty?

The applicant downloads the proof of payment and presents it to the DGIE officer for further processing.

What is the processing time of the penalty payment?

The processing time is 7 days.

Payment for transfer/transcription fees

How do I pay a transfer/transcript fee that has been issued by DGIE? 

Click here to learn more about how to pay transfer/transcription fees. 

Do I need an IremboGov account to pay for a transfer/ transcript fee?

You can apply for this service with or without an Irembo account.

How much do I pay for the transfer/transcript fee?

The price is Rwf 18,050.

What are the requirements needed to pay for a transfer/ transcript fee?

Applicants should have a national ID or passport, a valid phone number, and an email address.

Do I need any attachments while applying for this service on IremboGov?

No, there are no attachments needed for this application.

What is next after paying the transfer/transcription fees?

The applicant downloads the proof of payment and presents it to the DGIE officer for further processing.

What is the processing time of the payment of transfer/transcription fees?

The processing time is 7 days.

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