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How to apply for Rwandan Nationality by Origin

This service is available to individuals applying for Rwandan nationality by descent, meaning they must have been born to at least one parent who is a Rwandan citizen by virtue of Rwandan ancestry. The service is provided by the Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE).

The processing time is 180 days, and the price is Rwf 5000.


  • Applicants can apply for this service without an IremboGov account or visit the nearest Irembo agent for assistance.

  • An applicant should be born to at least one parent who is/was a Rwandan citizen by virtue of Rwandan ancestry.

  • Applicants should be able to provide evidence supporting their request.

  • The applicant should have a valid phone number and/or an email address.

Follow these steps to apply for Rwandan nationality by origin.

  1. Visit, and under Immigration and Emigration, select “Rwandan Nationality by Origin.” 

  1. Click on Apply 

  1. Fill in the applicant’s details, birth location, residence details, and travel details by clicking in the blank space to input the required details (*: means mandatory information).

  1. Enter reference details by clicking in the blank space to input the required details (*: means mandatory information).

  1. Attach all the required documents in the right format and size, and click Next to proceed.

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit.

  2. A billing number/ID (88) will be generated for payment; click Pay

  3. The applicant chooses the mode of payment; for more information about payment modes, click here.

Note: After paying for your application, an applicant receives a notification from the  Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration(DGIE) offices for further instructions.

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