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How to apply for the facilitation of the issuance of diplomatic plate numbers

This service facilitates diplomatic foreign missions in obtaining diplomatic plate numbers. Foreign missions receive a recommendation letter to present to the RRA, categorizing them for issuing their plate numbers. This service is provided by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MINAFFET)

The processing time is 3 days, and the service is free of charge.


  • Applicants with or without an account can apply for this service

  • Applicants must have passport numbers and individual TINs.

  • A company should have a company TIN.

Required attachments (3)

  • Guarantee letter

  • Note verbale addressed to MINAFFET request for plate number exemptions

  • Arrival notice

Conditional attachments (2)

  • Copy of passport

  • Copy of visa

Optional attachments

  • Supporting document

Follow these simple steps to apply for this service. 

Step 1: Visit IremboGov platform at, under “Immigration and Emigration Services, and  select "Facilitation for issuance of Diplomatic Plate Numbers.” 

Step 2: Click Apply to start an application.

Step 3: Fill in your information, “ applicant details,” This includes applicant type, type of plate number, car brand and model, etc.

Step 4: Upload the requested supporting documents and click next.

Note: The attachments depend on the applicant's (an individual or a company) type and the plate number type.

Step 5: Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and email address, check the verification box, and click Submit. 

Step 6: An application number (B2…...) to track your application status. 

Once the application is approved, the applicants are notified that their e-certificate is ready for download on the IremboGov platform. 

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