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How to apply for first land registration

This service allows landowners whose parcels were not registered during the systematic land registration to get their parcel(s) registered. A successful application results into a new e-title. This service is provided by the  National Land Authority (NLA).

The processing time is 25 days, and the service is free of charge.


  • The applicant should have an Irembo account to access this service or visit the nearest Irembo agent for assistance.  

  • Click here to find out how to create an account on IremboGov.

  • Rwandans should have a Rwandan National ID number

  • Foreigners should have a passport number. 

  • Applicants should have UPI

  • The applicant should have a valid phone number and an email address.

Required attachments (3)

  • Parcel number confirmation sheet

  • Land ownership information document issued by cell land committee

Conditional attachments (2)

  • Marriage record

  • Notarized spouse agreement

  • Copy of passport

Follow these simple steps to pay for First land registration

  1. Visit and click on Log In to start applying for this service. 

  1. Under Land, click on First Land Registration. 

  1. Click on Apply.

  1. First, download the application form. After completing it, upload it in the attachment section.

  1.  Fill in the “land owner & land parcel details, and the address." The applicant’s details are displayed on the right side of the page.

  • Note: Click "Add Land Co-owner" to enter another person's details.

  1. Enter the parcel representative's ID or passport and address

  1. Upload the requested documents, then click next to proceed.

7. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click on Submit.

8. An application number will be generated (B2….) so you can track the status of your application.


  • Once the National Land Authority receives and approves your application, you will receive a notification to download your updated E-title.

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