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How to Apply for Notary Services

This service allows applicants to apply and pay for notary services. Applicants who have different documents that they need to notarize apply through the Irembo portal. Thereafter, their applications will be submitted to their selected notaries. Applicants will then physically walk into the notary offices so that they can get their documents notarized. 

Notary services’ processing time is 1 day and the price depends on the document details. 


  • Applicants with or without an Irembo account can apply for this service. 

  • Click here to find out how to create an account on IremboGov.

  • Applicants for this service include Citizens, Foreigners, Companies, Cooperatives, Churches and Professional associations.

  • Adults should have a Rwandan National ID number.

  • Minors without a National ID should have a Child ID. 

  • Foreigners should have a valid passport number and other personal information. 

  • A company should have a company name and a company TIN.

  • A cooperative/church/professional association should have a name and a gazette number.

  • Applicants should know the document type they are applying for. 

  • Applicants should have a valid phone number, email address, or both. 

Follow these simple steps to apply for Notary Services on IremboGov: 

  1. Visit Irembo and under Notarization And Gazette Service, click on Various notary services 

  1. Select the service type and Click on  Apply. 

Note:  There are different locations that notarize documents in Rwanda: 

-MINIJUST: all documents that are specifically going out of the country. 

-RDB: all documents that are related to businesses, Foreigners, and Investments within Rwanda. -RGB: all documents used applying for services at Rwanda Governance Board. 

-District/sector Notary: all documents that are used within Rwanda

  1. Select the Applicant Type (Citizen, Foreigner, Company, Cooperative, Church, and Profession Association)  and enter the corresponding documentation. Below is an example of two different applicant types. 

  1. Select the Document type. Note that other details are required depending on the document type. 

  2. Select the Approving Office Location

  3. After filling in all the Document details, the fee to be paid is displayed on the right side of the document details.

  4. Click on Next to proceed. 

Note: These are the prices per copy for the documents.

  • Authentication of any deed: 3,000 Rwf

  •  Authentication of a signature: 1,500 Rwf

  • Certification of the authenticity of a document: 1,500 Rwf

  • Certification of the conformity of a copy to the original: 1,500 Rwf

  • Issuance of copies of any deed drawn up by a notary: 2,000Rwf per copy

  • Fee for notarization of Articles of Association: 5,000 Rwf per article of association

  • Fee for the notarization of any agreement: 2,000 Rwf

  • Issuance of any other notarial deeds provided for by Law: 5,000 Rwf

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter your phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit

  2. A billing number/ID (88….) will be generated for payment. 

  3. Applicants choose the mode of payment.For more information about payment modes, click here.

NOTE: After applying and successfully paying via IremboGov, the applicant will be required to personally collect their notarized documents at the designated notary offices.

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