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Frequently Asked Questions about E-certificates and Payments

The following are the most frequently asked questions about e-certificates and payments: 



What is the validity of MINALOC e-certificates?

All MINALOC e-certificates have lifetime validity until you change your civil status.

How do I know the authenticity of the certificate generated via IremboGov? 

There are two ways to check the authenticity: 

(A) Scan the QR code on the certificate to verify the certificate 

(B) Verify on IremboGov using the application number or billing ID by searching the application.

Can I download another certificate if the one I had is lost or damaged?

Yes, you can download the certificate as many times as possible. 

I had an error on my national ID, but NIDA corrected the error. Do I apply for a new certificate? 

No, you will not apply for a new certificate. You will update your details in your Irembo account under your profile and download a valid certificate.


How do I pay on IremboGov?

There are two payment modes available on IremboGov: 

(A) Offline payment mode - MTN Mobile Money, Airtel Money, BK branches, BK Yacu (agents), BK App. 

(B) Online payment mode - VISA or MasterCard

Click here to learn more about how to pay for a service on IremboGov. 

Paying with MTN MoMo instantly 

How do I pay with MTN MoMo instantly?

Go to the payment options and choose MTN, enter your MTN MoMo number and click on pay; you will receive a pop message on your phone and proceed. Click here for more information.  

Do I pay for extra charges when paying with the MTN MoMo instant process?

No, there are no extra charges added.

What do I do if I don’t receive the payment approval popup window?

Dial *182*7*1# to approve the corresponding cashout.

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