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How to Verify the Authenticity of an E-certificate Generated via IremboGov

This article describes the two methods that one can use to verify the authenticity of an e-certificate that is applied, paid for, and generated via IremboGov platform.

  There are two ways of verifying the authenticity of an e-certificate; 

  1. Scanning the certificate’s QR code.

  2. Searching for the application number on IremboGov.


  • A valid e-certificate generated via IremboGov.

  • Access to a QR code scanner.

  • A smartphone or any other device that accesses a QR code scanner. 

Ways of verifying the Authentication of the E-certificate generated via IremboGov Platform.

  1. Verify by scanning a QR Code
    Follow these simple steps;

  • Scan the QR code on the bottom left of the document and tap on the link it generates.

  • The application is authentic once the QR code leads you to IremboGov and retrieves details.

  • The application is NOT authentic if it doesn’t retrieve details on IremboGov.

2. Verify by searching an application number on IremboGov Platform.

Follow these simple steps;

  • Enter the application number displayed on the e-certificate in the search space and click the search button. 

  • The application is authentic once the details are retrieved on IremboGov.

    NOTE: When a user is not logged into their account, only the payment /Application status is visible.  Other information, such as names and application details, will not be displayed.

  • The application is NOT authentic if it doesn’t retrieve details on IremboGov.

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