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How to resubmit an application

This article offers guidance on the process of resubmitting an application with a Request for Action, which is issued when the initial application lacks essential information or necessary documents for processing. The resubmission involves addressing the specific requirements outlined by the processing officer.

  1. occurs when an application lacks crucial information or documents necessary for processing. An officer requests additional information or essential documents to proceed with the application

Note: Resubmissions cannot be done outside of an Irembo account (agent or citizen account). 

Follow these quick steps to resubmit the application.

Step 1: Visit and Log in to your account

Note: When you click on “log in,” you will agree to new terms of use, including the privacy policy of IremboGov.

Step 2:  Search the application using the available options.

Step 3: The application details will be displayed below, then click on the “Resume application” icon.

Note: The "Request for Action" message is highlighted in red for emphasis. It's essential to thoroughly review the requested action within the application to identify precisely what needs to be edited.

Step 4: Fill in the requested information and modified details, and click Next to proceed.

Step 5: Verify the information is accurate, fill in the applicant’s phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit

Once the application is submitted, a new message will appear that confirms that the application has been updated.

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