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FAQs about Diaspora Passport Application (DPA) Payment

This service allows Rwandans who are 16 years old, living abroad and without a Rwandan national ID to pay for an e-passport requested at their embassy. To pay for this service, citizens need a valid reference number delivered by the Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE) after the initial application process at the Rwandan Embassy.


Here are the most frequently asked questions about this service: 

How can a Rwandan living abroad and doesn’t have a National ID get an e-passport?

Visit the nearest Rwandan Embassy to start the application process and get the reference number later from DGIE. 

Am I eligible for applying for this e-passport? 

All Rwandans above 16 years who do not have a Rwandan national ID and live abroad can apply for this service. 

What do I need to apply for this service? 

You need a valid reference number that was provided by DGIE after filling out an application form at the Rwandan Embassy. 

Where do I get a reference number? 

After filling out an application form at the Rwandan Embassy and processing your application, DGIE sends you a reference number

Do I need to have an Irembo account to apply for this service?

You can apply for this service with or without an account. 

How much do I have to pay for an e-passport (Diaspora Passport Application)? 

Rwf 75,000 

After I apply, when do I get my e-passport?

The processing time is 7 days.

How do I apply for this service?

Follow these simple steps to apply for DPA payment: 

1. Visit and under Immigration and Emigration, click on DPA Payment.

2. Click on Apply.

3. Enter your reference number from the Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE). The reference number retrieves the applicant’s information.  

NOTE: The reference number is provided by DGIE after filling out the application form at the embassy.

4. Click Next to proceed. 

5. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click on Submit.

6. A billing number/ID (99….) will be generated for payment. Applicants can pay using MTN Mobile Money, Airtel Money, BK App, BK Branches, BK Agents, or pay online using VISA or MasterCard.

If I have a national ID, can I apply for an e-passport?

To apply for an e-passport with your national ID, click here

How do I apply for this service if my child does not have an application number?

To apply for your child's e-passport with no document, click here. 

My reference number is not retrieving my information, how can you help me?

Send us your reference number at [email protected]

I am entering my reference number, but it is displaying the wrong applicants’ or personal details. How can you help me? 

Visit the Rwandan Embassy to offer assistance regarding this issue or write to DGIE at [email protected] or [email protected].


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