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How to apply for the issuance of the certificate of a provisional license.

This service facilitates the application for certificate for the provisional license when it has been approved upon its publishing by the plant variety registrar office.

The service is provided by Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA)

The processing time is 2 days, and the price is $120


  • Applicants with or without an IremboGov account can apply for this service.

  • Click here to create an account

  • For registered businesses, they should have Company TIN

  • Applicants should have a valid phone number, email address, or both. 

Required attachments

  • Photos of the plant variety to be protected

  • Certificate from RDB

  • Certificate from RCA

  • DUS Report

Follow these simple steps to apply for provisional protection

  1. Visit under Trade and Industry, click on plant breeder’s right fees.

  1. Select the issuance for the certificate of application for provisional protection, Click on Apply to start the application 

  1. Select if you are applying as an individual or an organization/company and fill in the details as prompted, such as the applicant’s identification document number or company TIN.

  1. Add a variety of details.

Note: A new window will pop up. And carefully input all the requested information about the variety. 

  1. Upload the required attachments in the correct format and click Next.

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click on Submit.

  2. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment, Click Pay

  3. Applicants choose the mode of payment. For more information about payment modes, click here.


  • Upon approval of this service from the plant variety officer, the applicant should apply for the certificate via Irembo. (Issuance of certificate of Provisional License)

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