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How to Apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct

The certificate is issued to individuals living or who have previously lived in Rwanda to ascertain that they exhibit good community conduct. This document is required for individuals applying for an investigation clearance certificate, military enrollment, or other reasons. The Rwandan Investigation Bureau provides the service.

The processing time is 3 days, and the service is free of charge.

  • Applicants with or without an account can apply for this service

  • Click here to find out how to create an account on IremboGov.

  • Rwandan applicants should have a national ID number.

  • Foreign applicants should have passports.

  • Before applying for this service on IremboGov, applicants must request a recommendation letter in person from their local residence cell and village.

  • Those residing abroad should grant power of attorney to individuals authorized to request a recommendation letter on their behalf from the cell and village of their last residence.

  • Conditional attachments include;

  • A recommendation letter from the village 

  • A recommendation letter from a cell 

  • Passport photo 

  • And a copy of the passport for foreigners.

  • Applicants should have a valid phone number, email address, or both.

Follow these simple steps to apply for a criminal record certificate: 

  1. Visit, and under Rwanda Investigation Bureau, click on Certificate of Good Conduct.

  1. Click on Apply.  

  1. Fill in the applicant’s details (national ID or passport number); the details will be retrieved and displayed on the right side of the page.

Note: Applicants not logged in to the account will manually fill in their details.

  1. Upload the required attachments in the right size and format, and click Next to proceed.

Attachments for Rwandans:

Attachments for foreigners:

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click on Submit.

  2. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment, Click Pay.

NOTE: After applying and paying successfully via IremboGov, and after RIB officers have approved the application, the applicant receives an SMS/Email notifying them that the certificate is available and that they can download it from the IremboGov platform.

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