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How to Apply for a New Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU)

This service allows Public, Private institutions, Academia, Civil Society organizations,international & local organizations, and Faith-Based Organizations working in the areas related to the MIGEPROF mandate to apply for MIGEPROF MoU (Memorandum of Understanding). This Memorandum of Understanding has a 1 year validity period. The service is provided by the  Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion(MIGEPROF).

The processing time is 30 days, and the service is free of charge.


  • Applicants with or without an Irembo account can apply for this service.

  • Click here to create an account.

  • This service is eligible for international and national NGOs and Private companies.

  • Applicants should have a valid phone number and email address.

Required attachments (5)

  • NGO background information

  • Strategic Plan

  • Action plan

  • Organization logo

  • Signature

Conditional attachments (3)

  • Certificate of Registration in the Country of Origin

  • RGB Registration Certificate

  • RDB Registration Certificate

Follow these steps to apply for MIGEPROF Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU)

1. Visit  and click "MIGEPROF MoU" under Governance.

2. Select “New Memorandum of Understanding and click "Apply” to start an application.

Note: Download and fill out the action plan template, then add it as an attachment to this application.

3. Select your "organization category" from the dropdown. Fill in details about your organization and contact person information.

4. Select the domain of intervention.

5. Upload the required attachments in the correct format and click Next.

Note: Use the template at the top of the application form for all required attachments.

6. Verify that all information is correct, check the confirmation box, and click "Submit.

7. You will receive an application number (e.g., B2...) to track your application status.

Once your application has been approved, you will receive your MoU via email. You can always download it from IremboGov using your application or billing number. 

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