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How to Apply for a Birth Certificate

This service allows all Rwandans to apply for a birth certificate. The application is processed by local government authorities at the sector level. The service is provided by the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC). 

The processing time of a birth certificate is 1 working day; the service costs Rwf 500.


  • Applicants should have an Irembo account or visit the nearest Irembo agent for assistance.  

  • Click here to find out how to create an account on IremboGov. 

  • Applicants should have a National ID number or a Citizen application number. 

  • Applicants should have both a valid phone number and email address. 

Follow these simple steps to apply for a birth certificate: 

1. Visit and Log In.

2. Under Family, click on Birth Services.

3. Choose which birth service you want; “Birth Certificate.” 

4. Choose who you are applying for (Self or Child), and then click on Apply. 

5. Fill in the applicant’s details (National ID or Citizen Application Number) and the details will be retrieved and displayed at the right side of the page.

  • Self: Rwandan citizens above 16 years should have a National ID.

  • Child: Rwandan citizens below 16 years should have a Citizen Application Number.

6. Fill in the Processing Details, and the Reason for your request

NOTE: It’s advisable to choose the same processing office as the place of collection to easily collect it. 

7. Click on Next to proceed.

8. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit

9. A Billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment, Click Pay

10. Applicants choose the mode of payment: offline (MTN, Airtel, or BK) or online (Visa or MasterCard). For more information about payment modes, click here

After applying and successfully paying via IremboGov and after the Executive secretary of the processing sector has approved it, the Applicant receives a SMS/Email notifying them that the certificate is available and can download it on IremboGov platform. 
- You can also access this service on USSD *909

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