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How to Apply and Pay for Community Based Health Insurance (Mutuelle)

How to Apply and Pay for Community Based Health Insurance (Mutuelle)

This service allows Rwandans to apply and pay for Mutuelle for themselves and their household. This service is provided by Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB). 

The processing time is 1 day (the insurance is valid as soon as the payment has been made) and the price depends on the number of health insurance dependents. 


  1. Applicants with or without an Irembo account can apply for this service.

  2. The head of the household should have a national ID number. 

  3. Applicants should have a valid phone number and/or email address.

Follow these simple steps to pay for Community Based Health Insurance (Mutuelle): 

  1. Visit and under Health, click on Community Based Health Insurance (Mutuelle).

  1. Click on Apply

  1. Enter the ID number of the head of the household and the household details will be displayed.

  • Insurance period or Fiscal year: starts from July of the current year to June of the following.

  • Total CBHI: the total amount to be paid for that period.

  • Previously paid: amount paid in case there is a previous installment payment.

  1. The amount to be paid will be displayed automatically, enter the amount you wish to pay in the appropriate box. 

NOTE: The amount entered must be a multiple of 1000. (Eg 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 etc)

  1. Click on Next to proceed. 

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit

  2. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment, Click Pay

  3. Applicants choose the mode of payment: offline (MTN, Airtel, or BK) or online (Visa or MasterCard). For more information about payment modes, click here

NOTE: After applying and successfully paying via IremboGov, the Applicant receives a confirmation notification via SMS/email informing them that the payment has been well received. 

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