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How to apply for a Forest Products Exportation License

This service enables individuals or organizations to apply for an export permit for forest products. The permit allows for legally exporting forest resources outside Rwanda's borders. Applicants must adhere to regulatory requirements set forth by RFA to ensure compliance with national and international standards for sustainable forest management and trade. The service is provided by the Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA).

The processing time is 30 days, and the service is free of charge.


Before you begin the application process, ensure that you have the following:

  • Applicants with or without an IremboGov account can apply for this service.
  • A valid Rwandan National ID or Passport (for foreigners).
  • Company TIN for organizations.
  • A valid phone number or email address.

Required attachments: (2)

  • Export trade license
  • Contract of the buyer

Follow the following steps to apply for a Forest Products Exportation License:

1. Visit the Irembo website at  Under “Infrastructure and Environment,"  click the "Forest Product Exportation License."

2. Read the service description carefully and click "Apply" to start the application process.

3. Fill in the applicant’s details, such as the applicant's citizenship phone number, gender, and company TIN (if you are applying as an organization) 

Note: Once you click on “Add new product,” a new tab will appear.

Here, you'll need to specify the type of forest product you intend to export, its monetary value, measurement type (kg or m³), and quantity.

4. Enter the forest product address (current and destination addresses). Specify the mode of transport (air, road, or water) and the intended export date for the forest products.

5. Upload the required attachments in the right format and click Next.

NOTE: All attachments should be in PDF format and less than 500 KB in size.

6. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit. 

7. An application number (B2…...) to track your application status.

Once your application is approved, you'll receive an SMS and email notification. You can download your Forest Product Exportation License from the Irembo platform using your application number.

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