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How to Request for Laboratory and Field Tests

The Public Works Laboratory & Field Test Service allows you to request and pay for various laboratory and field tests conducted by the Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA). This service is designed for individuals, private companies, and government institutions seeking to test materials used in infrastructure projects.

The processing time is 1 day, and the service depends on the test category and the parameter.


-Applicants with or without an IremboGov account can apply for this service.

- An individual, you will need a valid national ID number.

- A private company, you will need the company’s name.

- A government institution, you will need the institution's name.

Follow these steps to Apply for Public Works Laboratory & Field Test Service.

1. Visit the Irembo platform at www.irembo.gov.rw, navigate to the "Infrastructure" category, and select "Request for Laboratory and Field Tests."

2. Click "Apply" to start the application process.

3. Select your applicant type (individualprivate company, or government institution) and provide the required details, such as your identification document numbercompany name, or institution name.

NOTE: If you are an individual, your personal details will be auto-filled from the National ID database after you enter your ID number.

4. Choose the specific parameter or test you need from the list under each sample category, enter the quantity, and review the calculated price.

5. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit. 

6. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment. Click Pay. 

7. Applicants choose the mode of payment. For more information about payment modes, click here.

After successful payment, a receipt can be downloaded on IremboGov using your application or billing number.

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