Submit a ticket

Frequently Asked Questions About Traffic Fines

This service allows the applicant to check and pay traffic fines using the plate number with the corresponding TIN or ticket number. The ticket number is issued to a driver who has violated traffic and road safety laws. Applicants can pay for one or more tickets depending on how much money they have. The service is provided by Rwanda National Police (RNP). 

The following are the most frequently asked questions about traffic fines: 

  1. How much do I pay for traffic fines?

The price will depend on the offense. 

  1. Do I need an IremboGov account to pay or check for a Traffic fine?

Applicants with or without an Irembo account can apply for this service or dial the IremboGov USSD *909# and follow the instructions.

  1.  How do I create an Irembo account?

To create an Irembo account, click here.

  1.  Is it possible to check my outstanding traffic fines on IremboGov?

Yes, as long as the plate number corresponds to the TIN.

  1. Where do I get my TIN?

The TIN is found on the vehicle’s yellow card (carte jaune).

  1. I paid a traffic fine after the late fee was added. How do I pay for the Rwf 10,000 late fees?

You will visit the IremboGov website or USSD generate a new billing number and pay for the late fee.

  1. What are the requirements needed to pay for outstanding traffic fines?

The applicant should have either the plate number which corresponds to the TIN or a ticket number.

  1. When does the traffic fine billing number expire?

The billing number expires within 1 hour.

  1. Can I download another traffic fine payment receipt if the one I had is lost/damaged?

Yes, you can download the payment receipts as many times as possible.

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